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Make your own post-wax body oil

In this blog post I will be showing you how to make a post-wax soothing body oil. This oil is amazing after your waxing, shaving or even epilating session and it is designed to help calm your irritated skin.


It is cold in the UK and it always seems to be raining where I live. We are in the middle of winter so it is definitely not a skirt season (not that I ever wear one!). Additionally, we are currently in lockdown so chances are, like me, you don’t leave the house very often.

I have been working from home from years so this is not a new situation for me. While working in my home studio has given me flexibility and the opportunity to move from London, the truth is, it is isolating and it has made me so lazy. I don’t need to wear nice clothes or high heels to the office, if I have bed head no-one really cares since they can only see me when I have a scheduled meeting. I’ve neglected myself. I’m sure you know those Monday morning Zoom meetings where you wear a pretty top with your PJ bottoms (right?).

After the first lockdown I decided I needed to get out of this funk I got myself into. First stop: I’d never tried waxing but always wanted to. Surely you have heard (or experienced?) that waxing is super painful but the thing is that it is also longer lasting than shaving and if you care for your skin afterward, I think it is a better option.

Well, I have to say it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. The waxing therapist I found when doing my research had excellent reviews and it was all true. She was lovely, we had a lovely chat (I think it was to distract me for which I was grateful). Once the session was over, she applied a lovely oil on my skin. I had no idea what brand it was or what it contained. At that point using only organic or natural was the least of my issues, I was happy it was done. She recommended I continue using softening oils on my skin and exfoliate once a week to make sure I avoid ingrown hair etc.

This is why I decided to make an oil blend for myself so I can look after my skin following her recommendations and I am sharing it with you here.


Making an oil blend is very easy, it requires no advanced formulating skills or complex equipment. The secret lies in the ingredient choice.

This body oil contains various oils and most of them I chose for a drier skin feel. Oils are greasy but you really can create a blend that is fast-absorbing, leaves no greasy feeling and one where your skin will feel supple and cared for.

I chose to make my own oil infusion which I don’t often do. Chickweed macerate is an excellent choice for angry, irritated skin but recently I couldn’t find it at my usual suppliers. It is very easy to make, I highly recommend you try it. This infusion is the base of my formulation. I also added other carrier oils to adjust the skin feel and the “botanical power” of my body oil.

Avocado oil, oat, evening primrose oil and CO2 extract and chickweed infusion are all excellent choices for products designed for angry, irritated skin. So next time you create a formula for your other half for after shaving, or perhaps after spending a day sunbathing on the beach (what is the chance of that happening soon?!), use these oils to create a soothing and calming product.

How to use

Pour a small amount of oil into your palms and massage it into wet or damp skin.


If you have any formulation questions about this blog post or other products you are interested in, come and talk to us in our closed Facebook group.